Parenting Resources
How can you be a better parent to your kids? How can you teach your kids about Jesus in a world leading them away from him? Look through our parenting resources to see if you can find something that will help you and your family.
Government Public Schools
In order to have control over what our kids are learning, we need to be closely involved in the government schools.
Get to know teachers, principles, staff, and volunteer at your kids school as much as possible.
Go to Board of Trustee meetings, and run for a position on your School District’s Board. This way you can have a say in what your school district is doing.
Follow State Bills in your local legislature. Get involved in the bill making process to ensure you agree with local education laws. Bad bills are continuing being written and sadly made into law. Check here for current bills that may affect your child(ren).
Beware of School-based Health Centers (SBHCs). New laws state they can treat your child without your approval. Read On.
What books are in your child’s school library? Many schools have actual child pornography, disguised as self-identity, ‘gender fluid’, etc. Critical Race Theory that is actually bigotry against the skin color of white.
Request all the school curriculum for the year and if they refuse, what are they hiding?
REMEMBER, YOU are the parent(s) of your child(ren), You are in control, the government is NOT. Stand and Act in your authority. or you will lose them in the system.
Parent Support Links
Join a Parents Union: https://californiaparentsunion.com/
Rescue Your Child Now: https://rescueyourchild.com/
How to Run for School Board https://californiaparentsunion.com/run-or-recruit/
Fighting back the mandates videos
Cops Remove 4-Year-Old Unmasked Boy From School
News Story from above
Never Forget what they Did to Our Children! An entire generation of children faces devastating learning loss, crushing mental health challenges, record-high absenteeism, poverty and lost opportunities
Generation COVID Sizzle Real (5:37)
Home School
Ready to transition to home-schooling? Or homeschooling already and want some resources? Check out our home schooling page to find information on transitioning, curriculum, tips and more!
Looking for an Alternative to Government Schools?
EPEC now serving students 3yrs-12th grade
Check it out here & watch video interviews. Apply online or come by our office in the 500 bldg., on the Church of Glad Tidings property. See us on Facebook / Watch Family Night (May 13 - 1:57:08)