The Great Reset
Agenda 21/2030
What is it? What will it do?
The Great Reset, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or “Agenda 21/2030” is a plan about how YOU should live your life, whether you agree with it or not. Their motto for 2030 “You will own nothing and be happy”.
This plan to reshape the world was conceived by Klaus Schwab ,a Nazi-like despot obsessed with a global takeover agenda. Schwab founded the World Economic Forum (WEF), purportedly an independent and impartial organization, whose objective is "bettering" the world by means of public-private “cooperation”.
⬆️ A screenshot of World Economic Forum’s video on its Nov. 16, 2016 webpage: 8 predictions for the world in 2030
BELOW: THE GREAT RESET explained in 5 minutes ⤵️
Under the pretext of improving the state of the world, Schwab recruits global decision makers and influencers including government officials, civil society leaders, innovative entrepreneurs, CEOs of multinational companies, wealthy artists, scientists and other bureaucrats. Many of these elite are trainees/alumni of the WEF and somehow have been persuaded to implement Schwab’s tyrannical personal agendas.
More information/links below:
WEF Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel Selected moments from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise (Oct. 19, 2019) hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
A timeline of the great reset agenda: from foundation to Event 201 and the pandemic of 2020 (article and videos)
A Social Contract to Transform our World by Our World by 2030 WEF discussion on their plan to transform us and the world we live in.
The New Tower of Babel - Jack Hibbs, Charlie Kirk: Great Reset/Tower of Babel (video
World Economic Forum: The Great Reset (WEF website)
The Great Reset for Dummies (article)
Agenda 21/2030 The Great Rest for Dummies (9 min video)
What is the Great Reset (7 pg article by Hillsdale College)
The elite’s plan for your future; The Great Reset (4min video and article)
The Hill: World leaders plan to drastically transform the economy (The Hill)
Agenda 21 explained in 2min (Video)
See below a 1 min. video describing what Klaus Schwab has for us “"The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world" - Klaus Schwab / Alongside the video are two recent pictures reflecting in reality what it means to “…to own nothing and be happy”.