Injuries and Death from the Covid “Vaccines”
VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (read more about underreporting in VAERS) of vaccine injuries.
CDC Runs Two VAERS Systems — The Public Can Access Only One of Them - Read Article here -
OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at vaers.hhs.gov. Below is a screenshot from the latest report:
Click Here for graphs showing the thousands of miscarriages and stillbirths POST-VACCINE
An Independent Researcher Documenting Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries, Vaccine Deaths, and Sudden Deaths caught on Security Cameras all over the world.
22 full pages with over 450 clips (14sec - 2min). Warning - Graphic footages
How Did 9 Healthy Young Adults React to the HPV Vax?
— In this “HPV 💉 Series,” we hear the outcomes of seven young women and two young men who received Merck ’s HPV vaccine, Gardasil. 2:51
Kidney stones, miscarriages, hydrocephalus, brain lesions and death are among the list of side effects they never could have anticipated and certainly were never informed about. - Children’s Health Defense
Young fitnessnthusiasts are dying suddenly - 16 sudden deaths examined
Personal trainers, fitness instructors & influencers, jiu-jitsu, crossfit, gym goers - high risk of sudden death!
COVID-19 mRNA vaccination causes of injury and death - vast majority are cardiac arrests, and then the occasional ‘died in sleep’, blood clots or brain injury. “COVID-19 vaccinated individuals should not engage in any strenuous physical activity until they have an extensive cardiac work-up and are cleared by a team of specialists.” Dr.William Makis
Soccer Players, all Over the World are Still Collapsing and Dying, Three Years After Covid Vaccine Roll-Out - 46 known since June 2023 - READ ARTICLE HERE
Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.
— See Video Below (1:08:21) —
“We Did Not Have a Pandemic…We Had Genocide…And Pfizer is $100 Billion Richer!”
Riveting presentation, Bioterrorism and biowarfare expert Dr. David Martin explains why the World Health (Holocaust) Organization must be destroyed. As the military arm of the United Nations (NOTHING TO DO WITH PUBLIC HEALTH), Dr. Martin lays out what happened in the last 3 years and how they did it. He nails fake Congressional members like Sen. Rand. Paul, Sen Ron Johnson and the entire lot because they are ALL paid off. It's about money and depopulation. And Pfizer is $100 BILLION richer. SEE VIDEO (31:46)
This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data
Odds ratios for a number of illnesses are through the roof for vaccinated children.
Dr. Peter McCullough does a U-turn on childhood vaccinations
“If I were a young parent today, what I would do is I would forego the vaccines,” McCullough explained. ’I’m not anti-vax, I’m vaccine risk aware.” More in article here
Short 1:07min clip
More info on Dr. Peter McCullough website & McCullough Protocols, Wellness Company
Dr. McCullough Calls for Halt in Childhood Mass Vaccination
Internist and Cardiologist, Dr. Peter McCullough explains to Del Bigtree The Highwire, why there should be a pause in childhood mass vaccination. There are 76 recommended childhood vaccines on the CDC ACIP panel (Advocacy Committee on Immunization Practices)that includes the EUA mRNA vaccines. “If I was a young parent today, I would forego the vaccines. I am not anti-vax, I am now “vaccine-risk-aware”
Should Your Children be Vaccinated?
See these short clips below:
Steve Kirsh, testifying before the Pennsylvania State Senate (1:21)
“The Amish… perfect example of a large group of people, largely unvaccinated, you won’t find kids with ADHD…, epilepsy. You just don’t find any of these chronic diseases in the Amish.”
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: The Extraordinarily Dangerous Ingredients In Childhood Vaccines (2:29) interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny at the global premier of Plandemic 3. See Entire 1 hour 41min video here.
Comedian Jimmy Dore at first bought the lies. Then he suffered serious side-effects from the jab, while getting covid three times afterwards.
He realized the medical establishment lied not only about ivermectin, but also about early treatments and hydroxychloroquine. They lied about herd immunity and natural immunity. They lied about masks. They lied about COVID jab preventing transmission and could end the pandemic. They lied about the safety of the shots, and about the seriousness of the virus itself too. (59min) Click Image and another option with video/written transcript
Thousands of Canadian Children Are Dying Suddenly!
Fully Vaxxed and Boosted
Resourceful links
(See more resources/help with the shots on the Detox , Wellness & Medical Freedom pages)
Hillsdale College Course - Big Pharma Video Series
Get free access to the Big Pharma video series covering its role in the declining state of American health and ideas for reform. If you’re concerned about the rise of Big Pharma, its role in the declining state of American health, and how to reform this industry, you’ll want to watch this important video series.
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF)
The VSRF’s mission is to advance COVID-19 vaccine safety through scientific research, public education, and advocacy, and to support the vaccine injured.
FLCCC Alliance
Founded by a group of leading critical care specialists in March 2020, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) is dedicated to helping prevent and treat COVID, and to help patients take charge of other areas of their health.
Dedicated to protecting informed consent in medical care for individuals and families by helping Americans protect their fundamental rights by engaging in the political process.
Delivering data on infectious diseases and vaccines; uniting doctors, scientists, healthcare professionals, attorneys, and families who support voluntary vaccination.
Informed Consent Action Network -- provides transparent scientifically researched health information thereby enabling your medical decisions to come from tangible understanding, not medical coercion. Library of lawsuits, FOIA’s, legal letters, scientific and educational resources.
Civil liberties organization empowering, We The People, by providing independent information from the world's top experts in medicine and law. Provides science-based facts, evidence-based approaches to COVID-19 and treatment options. Information to help exert our inalienable and Constitutionally guaranteed rights. Protecting physician independence from government overreach, advancing healthcare policies that protect physician-patient relationships, and fighting medical cancel culture and media censorship are among its other goals.
Helping bring awareness to the dangers of these injections. Link to report deaths and injuries. Encouraging and supporting victims and family members to come forward if they've been injured or lost a loved one to a Covid-19 injection. Connect with victims, read about studies, data and healing.
Advocates for people’s rights to make their own health care decisions. Influences legislation and government policy related to these issues, including having a lobbyist consultant, assists with litigation through a Legal Defense Fund, supported by some of the top lawyers in each area to allow those who are financially compromised to fight for their rights within the legal system.
Dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and securing informed consent protections in public health policies and laws. Provides counseling and information assistance to those who have suffered vaccine reactions.
How to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines by Ty Bollinger, The Truth about Cancer Feb. 8, 2021
Natural Immunity, pushing fear needlessly, why is there such a push on children? Rand Paul Presses Senate Witness on C-19 Vaccine Policy June 23, 2021
Any women having a change in their menstrual cycle to participate in this study specifically if they’ve had the covid shot or been around someone who has. (Doctors including Sherri Tenpenny and Carrie Madej asking to complete a survey)
Covid-19 Vaccine on Trial: if you only knew Children’s Health DefensMajor Study: Covid Shots Are SOLE Cause of Child Heart Failure Surge from Slay News Aug. 2024
An Evidence Review from the Penn Medicine Center for Evidence-based Practice December 2020
What you need to know about the COVID Vaccine
The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine
https://formerfedsgroup.org The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (FFFF) is a New Jersey based 501(c)(3) organization comprised of former federal agents, prosecutors, lawyers, medical professionals, researchers, and volunteers from around the United States and all over the world. Many of our former feds are ‘former’ because they witnessed the corruption of our most fundamental systems firsthand and subsequently became conscientious objectors .The COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project is building a living archive of crimes against humanity committed during the COVID crisis.