
“While We Were Sleeping - 5G Network Towers Appeared”

“During the so-called ‘lockdowns’ in America in 2020 and other countries across the world, countless 5G towers were erected in the dead of night and…continue to be erected, within highly-populated areas high-traffic intersections, parks, schools, apartment buildings/living complexes…across farm fields…20-foot 5G towers…”

Unfortunately, many local and state politicians believe they are great because they increase wireless capability and faster internet speeds. The fact is, 5G has been developed by The United States Department of Defense and their partner companies, such as Lockheed Martin. 5G is a remote-controlled weapon designed for a “soft kill.” Excerpt from Sean M. Brooks, PhD
Read Entire Article Here

New Hampshire Court Case Ruling that successfully moved 5G towers in their state. An extensive ‘must read’ and share!

What does 5G have to do with Covid-19 / C-19 shots?

See Videos Below

COVID connected to 5G - Greg Reese Report

There are ample reports of a connection between 5G and coronavirus which is no more no less than radiation poisoning. Which is why it can't be isolated. Scientific Research paper published in June 2020: “5G technology and induction of corona virus in skin cells”. (4:38min)

Study Concludes that 5G Exacerbated COVID

Scientific study published at NIH.gov provides evidence that 5G played a dramatic part of the spurious COVID pandemic. "Exposure to radio frequency radiation from wireless communications, including 5G that weakened host immunity and increased SARS-CoV-2 virulence”. (4:17min)

Cause and Effect-5G Radiation

Former FCC Chairman Thomas E. Wheeler: “We need to speed deployment of 5G here on our shores. We won’t wait for Standards!” Bulgaria’s limit of RF exposure is 1 microWatts per square meter. China is set at 10 and USA is set at 1,000 microWatts per square meter (32:57min)

5G 'Kill-Switch' for the Vaccinated

5G is a telecommunication system is false; the real agenda is a sophisticated military weapons platform and targeted kill switch.

See Written Report Here

5G APOCALYPSE - The Extinction Event

A 2019 full length documentary (1:17:57) by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way never imagined possible. Please SHARE this as widely as you feel drawn…use it to target your local bureaucrats, technocrats, health practitioners, local and federal government agencies and more than anything else…your family and friends. Featuring in this film: weapons development experts, biologists, molecular & cellular biologists, blood microscopists, activists, as well as good leaders out there on the frontline.

The Science Of The Nanotechnology And Payloads Found Inside The Vaccines - 5G Kill Switch Exposed

A deep dive into the nanotechnology inside the vaccines. Animations of how the payloads in the nano particles open to release their contents. Contents inside the nano capsules, poisonous death and destruction. Is it controlled by AI or will they initiate the activation of all... at once? Join in this documentary look into the world of nanotechnology and the diabolical plot that has already been unleashed on humanity. (1:05:11) Shocking!

Vaxx & 5G Death Grid - Radioactive Cesium In Clot Shot? Mark Steele & Maria Zeee

How 5G can be used to exterminate the world’s population - 5G transmitters fixed atop street lights are designed to work in tandem with LED technology - Once people are injected with nano particulates, they become antennas that reflect 5G radiation, causing sickness - Cesium-137 has been found in the “vaccine” bioweapon - if it doesn’t kill you, it turns humans into walking antennas - Transhumanist nano technology will be capable of manifesting symptoms of illnesses in real time to control global populations. (26:33)

See 5G links below for more info on:

♦️Research ♦️Help ♦️Resources ♦️Protective products

5G and the Bee - Our mission at Bee Heroic is to provide an information-to-action platform for initiating practices that will save and protect Earth's bees, and all of it's extraordinary pollinators, from near-term extinction.” 5G as a weapon - 5G and Covid - Bee Informed - Bee a good listener - Bee Proactive: Stop 5G - Bee Safe! Loads of material, resources, products, all here on this site.

5G EMF Radiation Protection - Safe Sleeve Established in 2011. “Our mission is to bring EMF radiation education and protection to the masses, while prioritizing customer experience and maintaining the highest level of integrity and social responsibility.”

5G Smart Meter Guard - Smart Meter Guard was formed in 2012 because of the huge demand of people not wanting to be exposed to the -Radio Frequency, RF, EMF emitted by utility smart meters. Made in the USA.

Remove Smart Meters from your home in Northern CA - Call PG&E @ 1-(866) 743-0263 (updated #) and press # to remove your Smart Meters on your Electric & Gas Panels. Have ready your account number & street address. Initial cost will be $75 and a monthly charge of $10 for 36 months. PG&E will then come out to check your meters bi-monthly. (Note: Doing this online has or will take months for a response.)

ROSEVILLE AWARE Electromagnetic Radiation: 5G Small Antennas, Smart Phones-Meters-Cities - This site owned by concerned private citizens in Roseville, CA. Providing online links to vital, professional, accurate reading material, videos, raising awareness of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) / radiation (ER): what it is, where it is near you, how it can effect your health, animals, and practical solutions to protect you. 

EMF Protection Products from Morocco - Fix the World Project Maroc S.A.R.L. specializes in handmade home decor products for EMF protection as well as online alternative energy technology education. We are American engineers living and working in Morocco..

EMF Protection Products by Spiro - “Instead of blocking electromagnetic radiation, it filters it, allowing people to not only peacefully coexist with this type of radiation, but also eliminating distortion for plants, environments, animals and species in general; while also improving the quality of wireless signals and the performance/durability of devices.”

EMF Protection by Less EMF - EMF Meters and Detectors; Shielding Products, i.e., clothing, hats, fabrics, phones, computers, walls. See site.

Find EMF Towers Near You - Search on your address and locate the cell tower, multipurpose towers, microwave arrays and radio wave antennas that are beaming EMF at you, and find out what types of EMF they are broadcasting, who owns them, which ones are registered or not, what kinds of towers are planned in future for your area, and more.

More Informative 5G documentary links

The Antidote Trailer 1:16min giving vital information about the antidote for C19, with Dr. Ardis. We’ve Been Lied To and There is a Sinister Objective at Play. & 1:34 min Trailer “This is why they needed 5G!”.

The Antidote (Entire Interview-2:31:51)- Jason Shurka exposing the truth, origin, and unexpected antidote for C19 that ravaged the world. Dr. Bryan Ardis a renowned doctor, researcher uncovering origins of C19 and finding ways to counter its effects. (If unable to watch/listen to entire, start at 1:18:18 for main antidote)

5G Network will Double Cancer Rates Coast to Coast " Expert Mark Steele Warns. More Videos by Weapons Expert Mark Steele