Detox Protocols
Many links below on the ways, why’s, and how’s in detoxing from vaccines, heavy metals, environmental and other attacks on the human body:
Spike Support and protect you and your family against the effects of COVID, vaccines, and shedding.
In addition to daily exercise, staying well hydrated, reducing inflammation levels, taking an all-in-one NAC supplement is one of the most effective ways to prevent blood clots from forming.
Z-Detox - (NAC, EGCG, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C)
“The Holy Grail of C-19 Vaccine Detoxification”
Pathway to Wellness: Vaccine Detox: 6 Things You Need To Know
The Ultimate Vaxx Detox Guide
Reverse Damage from the Deadly COVID “Vaccine”
World Council for Health
A practical approach to keeping healthy after your Covid-19 jab
People Against Coerced Shots - Information about Medical Freedom
People Against Coerced Shots - Repairing a Genocide: Post Vaccine Syndrome Protocol
Preparing for Change
Spike Protein Detox Guide - An evolving guide with emerging information on how to clear viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from the body.The Weston A. Price Foundation
Detox From The Shot And SheddingDr. Ariyana Love, N.D. (Naturopathic Dr.)
Deep Roots at Home
FLCCC - Covid, C-19 Shot Treatment Protocols
Treatment Protocols - FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (covid19criticalcare.com)