Some of the Bills and Propositions passed in 2022
Proposition 1: (APPROVED in General Election) CHANGES THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION of right to life of all human beings to only the wanted ones.
It ensures all abortions WITHOUT limitation be protected right up to the moment of birth. Proposition 1 is an extreme law that allows late-term abortions at taxpayer expense up to the moment of birth—even if the baby is healthy and the mother’s health is not threatened. Appallingly, current California law already guarantees a woman’s right to choose death by abortion, making this extreme and costly proposal unnecessary. See the Truth on Proposition 1 / Letter to the Editor of Appeal Democrat (Editor refused to print)
AB 2098: Censors doctors in violation of the First Amendment - signed into law - Update Jan 2023 - Federal judge blocks California misinformation law re Lawsuit filed by Dr. Jeff Barke to strike it down.
SB 1479: Makes schools do onerous COVID testing
SB 107 has been signed into law. Doctors can now perform gender reassignment surgery to out-of-state minors without their parents’ knowledge.
AB 1797: Gives government more access to the vaccine registry - Signed by Newsom
SB 1157: Imposes limit of 42 gallons of indoor water use per day -.Signed by Newsom
SB 1018: Enables more pervasive social media censorship
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The American Council Submit prepared letters to support or oppose State bills. Click the Take action link to support or oppose listed bills.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy Explains good and bad legislation, how to take action and section on vaccinations, vaccine injuries, exemptions and more.
Stand Up California - Working to ensure the restoration of our rights and the prevention of mandates; helps educate local and state elected officials (county boards of supervisors, school boards, city councils, as well as CA assembly members and senators), by providing activists succinct, well-researched materials and talking points. A centralized site for local activists to network and support one another.
California Policy Center Organization working for the prosperity of all Californians by eliminating public-sector barriers to freedom. It is primarily focused on education reform, workplace freedom, government transparency, and governance.
Children’s Health Defense California
The following links provide information about state legislation affecting the well being of California's children and their families.
Bills to support:
* AB 18 by Joe Patterson (R)- Controlled Substances
https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB18 Scheduled for 1st hearing on 2/14/23
* AB 19 by Joe Patterson -Pupil health: opioid antagonists
*AB 801 by Patterson student privacy https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB801
*AB 802 by Patterson- curriculum right to examine https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB802
*AB 15 by Dixon (R)
Public records: parole calculations and inmate release credits
*SB 19 by Seyarto (R) Anti-Fentanyl Abuse Task Force
*SB 14 by Grove (R)
Violent felonies: serious felonies: human trafficking (last year she had a similar bill and unfortunately Dem killed it in a Committee hearing)
*AB-229 Violent felonies by Joe Patterson
*AB 75 by Josh Hoover
Shoplifting: increased penalties for prior crimes- scheduled for 1st hearing on 02/14/2023
*AB 95 by Josh Hoover Intra-district and inter-district transfer of pupils
*SB-31 Encampments: sensitive areas: penalties by Jones this bill would prohibit a person from sitting, lying, sleeping, or storing, using, maintaining, or placing personal pro