Call to Action (CTA)
We are individuals and organizations across California that have come together to put power back in the hands of the people.
We’re sick of wildfires. We’re sick of blackouts. We’re sick of rate hikes. We’re sick of climate change. We’re sick of PG&E!
We are united in a campaign to abolish PG&E, our nation’s largest criminal enterprise, and establish a not-for-profit utility in California that distributes energy safely and at fair rates in the interests of working people. More info on Stop PG&E webpage
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Tell General Mills To Reject GMO Wheat!
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said U.S. farmers could grow a GMO wheat variety that’s genetically engineered to soak up glufosinate, a pesticide that's 5 times more toxic than glyphosate which has been banned in the European Union since 2013.
The USDA didn’t conduct a scientific review or offer opportunity for public comments before announcing its decision.
The glufosinate-tolerant wheat could become the first GMO wheat grown in the U.S. If this crop is integrated into our food system it would dramatically increase the load of agro toxins in the diet of Americans. As a major buyer of wheat in the US, we are asking General Mills to lead the way and pledge to reject this newly approved Genetically Modified wheat.
Who’s behind this disaster? It’s an Argentine company called Bioceres that’s traded on the New York Stock Exchange and counts Monsanto (Bayer) among its investors. Eaters around the world have revolted at the idea of glufosinate-soaked GMO wheat with successful campaigns including “Not In Our Wheat” and “Bread without Poison.”
Bimbo, the largest bakery company in the world, announced in May that they would go GMO Free. General Mills, who claims to be moving towards regenerative agriculture, needs to make that commitment as well. As a first step to get General Mills to stop all use of GMOs and go organic and regenerative, we ask them to reject this newly approved GMO wheat.
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Ban Bee-Killing Neonic Seed Treatments
TAKE ACTION: Ask your state legislator to support a ban on bee-killing neonic seed treatments
Honey bee colony losses continue at alarming rates. In the 2022-2023 season, commercial beekeepers saw a mortality rate of 48.2 percent in their hives, almost as bad as the 2020-2021 season with the highest loss rate ever reported (50.8%). The U.S. agricultural landscape is now 48 times more toxic to bees than it was 25 years ago and crop yields for apples, cherries and blueberries are already being reduced by a lack of pollinators.
Why? Because of Bayer’s business model: genetically modified seeds soaked in bee-killing neonic insecticides.
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It’s Time to Rescue California
This may be our last opportunity to rescue and restore our state, while we highlight for the rest of the country the destruction Newsom has left in his wake. See Newsom, Inc. Flyer Check out Open the Books. See “Newsom signs bill reducing penalties for sodomy with minors”. Click below to sign the new petition.
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California Legislative Alerts with Savecalifornia.com
SaveCalifornia.com is your California pro-family organization -- working, speaking and standing for your values, your family, and your God-given liberties since 1999. You can find current bills that need your action, special events, articles and information. A sample list of what they do:
1. Reporting the truth on California issues Big Media won't, to keep you informed
2. Equipping moral Californians to be articulate on issues, and vote their values
3. Empowering parents to rescue their kids from harmful public school indoctrination
4. Exposing the new Communism that’s threatening you and all you have
5. Peacefully fighting for your dearly-held values and hard-won liberties
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Yes on SB 1414
Not. One. More. Child! End Human Trafficking
Please support for Senate Bill 1414 (Grove)– a pivotal step to protect our children from human trafficking. Human trafficking, especially sex trafficking, severely violates innocent children, causing a lifetime of trauma and suffering. Sadly, our state ranks among the top in the nation for this crime. SB 1414 will make it a felony to solicit, agree to engage or engage in sex with minors for money. Buying a child for sex should be classified as the serious crime it is.
Under California law, purchasing or soliciting a child for sex is a misdemeanor carrying a maximum penalty of up to a year in jail, or a minimum of two days in jail, and a $10,000 fine. Republican State Sen. Shannon Grove is trying to change that with SB 1414, which would classify the crime as a felony, carrying a maximum penalty of up to four years in prison and a $25,000 fine.
SB 1414 is critical in combating human trafficking and will send a strong message that California stands firm in protecting our children. Not one more child! (See flyer to share) Latest action: Hearing: Jul 2 @ 9:00 am in State Capitol, Room 126
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California Legislative Alerts with Savecalifornia.com
SaveCalifornia.com is your California pro-family organization -- working, speaking and standing for your values, your family, and your God-given liberties since 1999. You can find current bills that need your action, special events, articles and information. A sample list of what they do:
1. Reporting the truth on California issues Big Media won't, to keep you informed
2. Equipping moral Californians to be articulate on issues, and vote their values
3. Empowering parents to rescue their kids from harmful public school indoctrination
4. Exposing the new Communism that’s threatening you and all you have
5. Peacefully fighting for your dearly-held values and hard-won liberties
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Smart Meters Are Being Mandated
Smart and digital utility meters are actively being deployed and mandated across the U.S. without adequately informing consumers of the health, safety and privacy risks . In some cases, this is happening without notification or consent.
Unlike electromechanical analog meters that have been safely used for decades, smart meters and (some) digital meters emit toxic levels of pulsed radio-frequency (RF) radiation, are a fire hazard and enable companies to sell near real-time private usage data to third parties.
To mandate these utility meters is unacceptable – where there is risk, there must be choice!
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Petition: REPEAL PROP 47
1ST BATTLE WON - IT WILL BE ON THE NOVEMBER BALLOT!! Petition to repeal Prop. 47 - California's Virtual ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Law, for thieves. This destructive law which increased the total threshold amount for misdemeanors from $450 to $950, and increased the number of disqualifying prior convictions from one to “three or more.", must be repealed.
This initiative is aimed at increasing penalties for drug and theft crimes while reversing parts of Prop 47 as described above.
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Write your elected officials:
Military are still impacted by Covid mandates! According to Liberty Counsel, "under its COVID shot mandate, the DOD uniformly denied most of the 36,500 religious accommodation requests it received from troops to abstain from the experimental shot and involuntarily discharged more than 8,300 service members for refusing to take it."
The military shot mandate has been rescinded just recently, yet another mandate, for another experimental shot, with no legitimate religious exemption is still a possibility. You can share with your elected officials that the harm that came to military members through the required mandate and denial of the religious freedoms of thousands needs to be rectified.
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Support AB 1783: Rep Essayli has introduced AB 1783 to revoke all taxpayer funding for health care for illegal immigrants in the California State Budget.
CALL TO ACTION NEEDED!! Write, email or call your local district representative for them to support this bill AB 1783.
Find your Representative here
Call as many republicans as you have time to call to garner more support. According to the California Globe, some republicans are unwilling to support it.
Petition: We The People American Petition in Support of the Declaration of Military Accountability
The “We the People American Petition in Support of the Declaration of Military Accountability” asks for you to join in and sign this petition that 231 Veterans and Active Military Officials have signed and given in the early morning hours of January 1st, 2024. Watch here a special video from LT. COL. PETE “DOC” CHAMBERS - giving “Perhaps The Most Encouraging and Meaningful Statement of Support of and Commitment to The US Constitution and The American People Ever Issued Since The Writing of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights” - “THE DECLARATION OF MILITARY ACCOUNTABILITY!”
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The Citizens' Initiative to Save Sutter County Fire is NOT a new tax. It will repeal and replace the current parcel tax that homeowners have been paying for 30 plus years.
100% of the funds will go to the Sutter County Fire Departments. The funds from the initiative will not go into the County General Fund. The funds can not be diverted to other departments or projects. Go to Sutter County Say No to New Taxes Facebook page for more info.
If you live in the rural areas of Sutter County Service Area “F” or know someone who does, this will directly affect you, your home and your property for fire services.
Sutter County is paying ZERO. Per their own words:
"Sutter County doesn't pay for Fire Service."
"Sutter County is under no financial obligation to CSAF"
"Continued funding for CSA that is supposed to be self-funding is not feasible".
Find Petition Locations or Call/Text Liz
Petition: Help Pass the California Voter ID Law
If you are a registered voter in California, help us pass the California Voter ID Law by signing the petition below!
To demonstrate we have the required public support of registered voters to qualify this measure for a vote in 2024, we must collect over 1 million signatures to place the CA Election Integrity with Voter ID Initiative on the ballot. (1 min-done!)
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Petition to Oppose the Natural Gas Appliance Ban in California
Heads up! California state politicians are proposing costly bans on the use of any natural gas appliances in ALL homes and buildings. The mandate requires every homeowner pay for costly retrofits and removal of all gas appliances - costing the typical homeowner $26,000-31,000!
If adopted, home values in our area will immediately PLUMMET as any new homebuyer will be forced to factor in these retrofit costs in the purchase. Even homeowners who don’t sell will be forced to retrofit their homes and remove ALL gas appliances!
Join the fight to STOP this costly new utility retrofit mandate! We simply cannot afford it – so please sign this petition and share it with all registered voters in your area! (5-10 seconds)
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Support SB14 to Combat Human Trafficking and Protect Our Community
Please support this Senate Bill 14 which is a pivotal step to hold repeat traffickers accountable and protect our children. Human trafficking severely violates innocent children, causing untold sufferings. California ranks among the top offenders. (1-2min-done!)
(UPDATE: On 9/5/23: It was ordered to Third Reading)
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Save California water! Save our farmers! Save water for hydroelectric power!
Chuck Bonham, Director of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has been given the power through the Interim Operating Procedures for the Smelt Biological Opinion, to either end the current pumping restrictions in the Delta, or extend them.
We need a massive number of emails to flood Mr. Bonham's box. Let him know that we want the pumps operating at full capacity. No Delta Smelt have been found in 5 years!
(Please write "done" in the comments so we can keep track of this call to action's effectiveness)
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Stand For Health Freedom Act Now! Sign The Petition To Investigate The CDC’s conduct during COVID-19.
Take Action Here (1min)
Take Action For Freedom
Tell your elected representatives in Washington to please support HR 79, WHO Withdrawal Act, to retain American sovereignty in matters of public health policy, free speech, and bodily autonomy.
Take Action Here (1min)
See & Hear - The Fight Is On! - EUROPEAN CITIZENS' INITIATIVE against WHO Power Grab
7 brave citizens from 7 countries, with the support of 5 MEPs, launched a European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) called "Trust & Freedom". SEE VIDEO HERE (6:55)
Urgent action is needed on the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS. We demand accountability for PFAS polluters and urge Congress to reject any loopholes that favor these polluters.
Take action here with a single click.
Chlormequat, a dangerous agricultural chemical linked to infertility, nervous system harm and disrupted fetal growth in animals will be used on crops. Please demand this doesn't happen by signing the petition below.
The EPA is now proposing to allow chlormequat for use on crops like oats, wheat and barley grown in the U.S. and set allowable levels of chemical residues in meat, milk, poultry and eggs. The EPA is well aware that this chemical will enter our food supply but is relying on outdated science to say it's safe.
The agency is asking the public to weigh in on the proposal. This is our only chance to stop the EPA from approving chlormequat, but we only have until July 25 to make our voices heard.