Highlights from Various Conferences
June 13th, 2023 Conference:
CLICK IMAGE FOR FULL 3 HOUR 25MIN VIDEO. Speaker Markers below:
1:00:35 - Pastor Dave, Glad Tidings Church
1:18:47 - Eric Mallow, Light Dove Ministries, “Transportation & Supply Chain”
1:32:35 - Doug Fletcher & Bryan Jones “Soil and Food” - We can’t grow nutritious food without soil, a team of men with the fastest growing plants on record will be with us.
1:56:00 - Daniel Mercuri, 2026 CA Gubernatorial Candidate “CDBC, and the engulfing wealth, transfer”.
2:36:16 - Dr Judy Mikovits “God has given us everything we need”.
January 13-14, 2023 Conference Speakers, please check links:
Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD (access to telemedicine); Nikki Florio, Bee Heroic (Geoengineering); Ron Gibson, Constitutional Law and Land Patent Expert'; Josh Yoder, President of US Freedom Flyers; Tonia Joy Gibson, Beauty for Ashes; Alan Masters, Foundation for Human Understanding & Veteran Support