How Bad is Your C-19 “Vaccine” Batch?
If you or someone you know would like to get information regarding your covid 19 "vaccine" batches, please click on the button below and follow the prompts. Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines are collected by researcher, Craig Paardekooper.
Share this page with friends, relatives and colleagues who may be considering taking these shots, also share with doctors, nurses and teachers - those who are in advisory positions within your community. They need to know which batches are more risky than others. Please share with legal teams, and with forces personnel.
UPDATE: “CHD (Children’s Health Defense) Scientists Uncover Evidence of Pfizer ‘Hot Lots’ Linked to Higher Rates of COVID Vaccine Injuries”
“Different batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine distributed in the U.S. had very different rates of serious adverse events, according to a peer-reviewed research letter by the Children’s Health Defense science team. The letter was published late yesterday in Science, Public Health Policy and the Law.” LINK HERE
New Zealand’s Gov’t COVID Vaccine Database Administrator Reveals How Many People Actually Died from the Pfizer jab…
New Zealand whistle-blower and Philippine government push for justice SEE VIDEO (5:09) Statistician and whistleblower, Barry Young, aka Winston Smith, has since been arrested for exposing this clear and damning evidence See and Read More Here
Greg Reese: Evidence That US Government Targeted Red States With Deadly Batches of Vaccine
— Watch video here or click image (4.49)
Related article to read from NIH. Search subtitle “HOT LOTS—DEADLY BATCHES OF THE VACCINES”