Covid Vaccines / Vaccines
Is this video correct? Here are the sources. We encourage you to check them for yourself. (Video & Resources included in link) The Defender, Children’s Health Defense “CHD”
Are vaccines safe? Were 69 doses for kids ever tested? Is DNA from aborted fetuses really in the vaccines? Why can’t vaccine makers get sued when they injure a child? (Video & Resources included in link) CHD
CDC twice changed the definition of "vaccination”.
Pre-2015 Vaccination Definition: "Vaccination is an injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism to prevent the disease." Straightforward, understandable and aligned with the primary purpose of a vaccine.
The 2015-2021 Vaccination Definition: Now vaccines are described as the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease." The emphasis shifted from prevention to the generation of immunity.
The Sep 2021-Jan 2024 Vaccination Definition: During the COVID plandemic, the CDC redefined vaccines again. This time the CDC described "vaccination as the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease." This subtle change from "immunity" to "protection" is a startling admission that the CDC knows their new vaccines are less effective than traditional vaccines.
“The only safe vaccine is a vaccine never used.”
— James R. Shannon, NIH (National Institute of Health)
2020 Vaccines Documentary (33min) showing that vaccines have maimed, destroyed & killed more lives than save.
The Truth: No Vaccines Are Safe For Children
World Council for Health statement: Parents should no longer allow their babies and children to be vaccinated…read more here
“Before You Vaccinate: 4 Variables Every Parent Needs to Know”
#1 - The more vaccines your child gets, the greater the risk of all-cause mortality. (Goldman, Cureus)
#2 - The timing of vaccines can impact the risk of adverse events. (Miller, Sage Journals)
#3- The gender of your child can make her susceptible to injury and death. Girls are more susceptible to the DTP vaccine. (9 studies)
#4 - The sequence in which children receive vaccines can also heighten or lessen the risk of death. (Fisker and Thysen) Watch 4min video
What is the History of U.S. Army & Vaccines?
SEE SHORT VIDEO CLIP on U.S. Army Compulsory Vaccinations in early 1900’s
SEE SHORT CLIP from an Army Lt. Col. Doctor COVID-19 vaccination has been a disaster in the military.
Related News Articles: >"Army Scrambling To Get Back Soldiers It Kicked Out Over Biden’s Vaccine” >“Former Troops Punished over Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Sue for Billions in Lost Wages”
Where is our Military that still honors their oath to defend and protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic?
Quote from Pastor Dave Bryan, Church of Glad Tidings: “In The Early Morning Hours of 2024, 231 Key Military Officials - Including My Personal Friend LT. COL. PETE “DOC” CHAMBERS - Issued Perhaps The Most Encouraging and Meaningful Statement of Support of and Commitment to The US Constitution and The American People Ever Issued Since The Writing of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights - “THE DECLARATION OF MILITARY ACCOUNTABILITY!…” and should be read in it’s entirety…circulated quickly… It is a statement of what we’ve all been praying for!!!” See Pastor Dave Bryan, speak on Military Accountability Declaration - We The People Take Back America NOW! (31:05)
Pfizer Buys Seagen Cancer Co. for $43B
Dr. Ryan Cole: “Covid Vaccine Side Effects Are Like A Nuclear Bomb”
As a pathologist analyzing diseased body tissues, Dr. Ryan Cole, MD, (Twitter @drcole12) has seen an alarming and wide-ranging increase in injuries from Covid-19 injections, what he calls a "nuclear bomb." Miscarriages, heart conditions, cancers and compromised immune function are just some of the harms that Dr. Cole (rcolemd.com) is fighting to make the public aware of.
'R.F.K' Jr. "Your Government & 'WHO' Planned 'COVID-19' Pandemic For Decades To Consolidate Power"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has disclosed how leading health and government organizations have been conducting pandemic simulations as a cover story to circumvent people's constitutional rights during times of public health crisis. (5:31min) See clip from WEF Event 201 exercise and check The Great Reset Page
Resourceful links on Covid-19 shots / Vaccines
The Vaccine Reaction (TVR)
The Vaccine Reaction, or TVR, is a free online subscription journal newspaper which publishes original analyses, news summaries, opinions, analyses/opinions in professional and mainstream media publications. Focusing on impact of vaccine research, development, regulation, policy-making, promotion and mandates. Articles contain references and/or links to original reference sources.
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF)
The VSRF’s mission is to advance COVID-19 vaccine safety through scientific research, public education, and advocacy, and to support the vaccine injured.
FLCCC Alliance
Founded by a group of leading critical care specialists in March 2020, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) is dedicated to helping prevent and treat COVID, and to help patients take charge of other areas of their health.
Dedicated to protecting informed consent in medical care for individuals and families by helping Americans protect their fundamental rights by engaging in the political process.
Delivering data on infectious diseases and vaccines; uniting doctors, scientists, healthcare professionals, attorneys, and families who support voluntary vaccination.
Educating people on the dangers of pharmaceutical products, including vaccines and unnecessary medical treatments — that are literally killing us.
Independent clearinghouse for information on diseases and vaccine science, policy, law and the ethical principle of informed consent. Publishes information about vaccination and health to encourage educated decision-making.each individual’s personal health decisions, without fear of discrimination or persecution.
The watchdog -- seeks truth and justice, exposes causes and establishes safeguards. Protect individual liberties, including the right to bodily autonomy, informed consent and parental rights by implementing many strategies, including legal, in an effort to defend health and obtain justice for injured. Fights corporate bias and governmental abuse of power. Information on health-related events, news, legal and legislative updates.
Unprecedented access to investigative journalism high above the circus of mainstream media spin. One of the fastest-growing and most trusted health news organizations. Provides links to science, articles and evidence -- free from manipulative advertising and financial interests.
Informed Consent Action Network -- provides transparent scientifically researched health information thereby enabling your medical decisions to come from tangible understanding, not medical coercion. Library of lawsuits, FOIA’s, legal letters, scientific and educational resources.
Civil liberties organization empowering, We The People, by providing independent information from the world's top experts in medicine and law. Provides science-based facts, evidence-based approaches to COVID-19 and treatment options. Information to help exert our inalienable and Constitutionally guaranteed rights. Protecting physician independence from government overreach, advancing healthcare policies that protect physician-patient relationships, and fighting medical cancel culture and media censorship are among its other goals.
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) - highly published and world-renowned leading critical care specialists dedicated to helping prevent and treat COVID. With deep knowledge and expertise to diagnose and treat COVID-related symptoms, they aim to save lives and improve health by advancing protocols based on the latest science, data, and clinical observations.
Helping bring awareness to the dangers of these injections. Link to report deaths and injuries. Encouraging and supporting victims and family members to come forward if they've been injured or lost a loved one to a Covid-19 injection. Connect with victims, read about studies, data and healing.
Connecting grassroots organizations across California and beyond, helping in the fight for medical freedom and parental rights, bringing forth truth and the scientific expertise of its strategic advisory council, and provides education and resources.
Advocates for people’s rights to make their own health care decisions. Influences legislation and government policy related to these issues, including having a lobbyist consultant, assists with litigation through a Legal Defense Fund, supported by some of the top lawyers in each area to allow those who are financially compromised to fight for their rights within the legal system.
Dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and securing informed consent protections in public health policies and laws. Provides counseling and information assistance to those who have suffered vaccine reactions.
Notice of War Crimes To Health Care Providers and Health Insurance Providers. This is a resource for those who have had difficulty with their healthcare providers pressuring or threatening reprisal over the failed COVID-19 vaccines. This notice can be sent to them to put on them on "notice" and is a good first step.
More Resources / Articles on Vaccines
How to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines, By,Ty Bollinger, The Truth About Cancer February 8, 2021
FDA ignored residual DNA fragments in the Gardasil HPV vaccine - Over the last two years, cancer genomic experts have raised concerns about the presence of residual DNA fragments in the mRNA covid-19 vaccines, saying that it has potential to increase the risk of developing cancer
https://nojabforme.info/ - no jab for me - speaking out since 2020 - SILENCE IS CONSENT
https://www.icandecide.org/white-papers/ I Can Decide - White Papers on Vaccines
https://www.covidvaccinevictims.com/ Covid Vaccine Victim Stories
Covid-19 Vaccine on Trial: if you only knew Children’s Health Defense Article
What you need to know about the COVID Vaccine (ingredients, testing, safety issues, more. Everly Report, January, 2021
Decentralized Medicine, Jack Kruse Dr. Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon and advocate for decentralized medicine. Often at odds with mainstream medical practices, he challenges established norms and promotes a holistic approach to healthcare.
https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov/ Government website that houses all data of Healthcare Providers’ Kickbacks for prescribing drugs, vaccines, procedures, tests, etc.