Toxic Skies / Geoengineering
Watch This Video as an Introductory of What is Happening above us Everyday!
The Dimming
Have you noticed the sun isn’t as bright as it used to be? It’s rare to see clear days without a thin cloud covering over us. This documentary covers, history, patents, testing’s for heavy metals, affects on life and the planet, how geoengineering is used, how chemicals are found in the environment, how manufactured clouds are formed, how microwaves can be used to manipulate weather patters, how geoengineering works with 5G technologies to affect communications and many other topics. Click below or go to https://geoengineeringwatch.org.
UNconventional Grey
— UNconventional Grey builds a picture of how Geoengineering—not the “climate change” cover story—leads straight to the UN “sustainable development” / carbons / Agenda 21 / 2030 master plan. In fact, Geoengineering with all of its political muscle is the price of admission to world government as well as the biggest transfer of wealth to the rich ever.
Two more films from Michael J. Murphy before his untimely death: What in the World Are They Spraying? (2010) & Why in the World Are They Spraying? (2012).
What Effect do Chem Trails of Aluminum and Barium have when DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) is Utilized?
See Video Below
Maui Wildfires and the Theft of Sacred Hawaiian Land
Aside from the federal government’s bureaucratic failure, Hawaiians have good reason to be suspicious of the recent fires.
In his research, Denis Mills discovered that the incendiary aluminum and barium nanodust from chemtrails is most likely fueling the ferocity of today’s so-called super wildfires. And on the day before the Maui fires broke out, locals were reporting a heavy overcast from chem-trailing that they’d never seen before.
Acapulco CAT 5 Hurricane and SO MANY QUESTIONS…
How did we not know about this? Where was the news media and warnings of a CAT 5? Was this a manufactured hurricane due to Mexico refusing to fall in line with New World Order plans? Is this another forced 15-min city planned following Lahaina, Maui? All conspiracy theories? Please watch and see for yourself. (Stew Peters interview with Jeff Berwick on the sudden rainless hurricane storm - 14:24 min) More on Lahaina video 6:36min
See updates on Acapulco and ways to help here.
Lahaina Incineration is Deadly Weather Warfare – Dane Wigington
Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says the total incineration of Lahaina in Hawaii was caused by man-made weather modification called geoengineering.
Read Article and Watch Video on same site here. (2 min read, 55:37 - video)
By Greg Hunter On August 19, 2023 In Political Analysis
“What happened in Maui? Is it Climate Change or Forced Climate Change?
Is Maui being prepped for a 15-min Smart City? Check out the referenced links: See Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Jan. 2023), Rodriguez Paper on Smart Cities / Upcoming Hawaii Digital Gov't Summit in Sept. 2023 / See Weather Modification Act of 1976 / A Maui Resident’s Plea (some %&#@)
Related Links: Drone Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) / Paradise Fire of 2018 (article/video) / Santa Rosa, Northern CA 2017 Fires (14:33 video - @7:35-Rumsfeld & Myers asked about DEW in 2003 & @9:20- National Ignition Facility in Livermore, CA “…goal: create a laser that produces energy levels that rival the power of a nuclear bomb”)
What can we do?
Take a few minutes to watch what this local woman from Tuolumne County, CA did to confront an actual pilot at a Modesto airport, after dropping these heavy metals over her county - Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Titanium, and Magnesium. See News Story from Adriana Masters (2:56) And Audio (3:43) below:
Research, Helps on Steps to Fight Against the Aerial Spraying of People & Our Land
How to use flightradar24.com
Learn how to track and identify flights over your home. Watch a 34min video by Mellow Kat who has done our homework and can teach us you to track and identify flights over our home. Also see comments below her video that includes links she mentioned: flighttrader24.com / ecological reserve . See from live from flight tracker for Marysville / Beale Airforce Base
Step by step on using Flighttrader24.com
Tips to identify aircraft:
#1. Document. Get as clear footage as possible, and try to capture the tail # on the wing or tail of the aircraft. This will have the aircraft’s registration #. If it is a U.S. aircraft, it will start with the letter “N.” (Canadian aircraft registration #’s start with a “C”).
#2. Get on FlightRadar24.com and zoom in on the map to your location. See if you can find the aircraft on the map. If you can’t then you will have to assume the transponder is off and do your best to follow that aircraft and take notes of the direction it heads after doing the drop. This may help you narrow down possible airports. for Canada registration, visit this website.
#3. If you DO locate the aircraft on Flight Radar, take a note/screenshot of the REGISTRATION NUMBER starting with the “N.”
#4. Take that registration # and enter it into this website:. THIS will give you the critical information about who the aircraft is registered to.
#5. Research the company and contact them directly to ask what their aircraft was doing at this time/date/location. If the company is contracted with the state or a local agency, FIND OUT. You may wish to file a PRA request (public records act) to get details of the contract and more information.
#6. SHARE your findings with your local community. The more people you have to observe and document, the better.
We MUST go beyond the photos. We have the tools to find information that can help us put a stop to this insanity by applying pressure to the right agencies. It also doesn’t hurt to share the information in the event that someone else might have the courage to take it on beyond what you are willing or able to do.
Chemtrail Tracker
Crowd sourced project to collect the evidence of pollution of our skies - This site has been setup to collect the presentable physical evidence to the presence of chemtrails in our skies. By uploading time stamped images along with its location we can build up a map of our skies and keep a track of when and where this is happening. To do this though we need your help!
More Research upcoming
If you have information to share, please email us at FreedomCoalition@protonmail.com
Climate Engineering Cover-Up
Solar Radiation Management (SRM) or Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG), geoengineering, climate engineering, cloud seeding use chemicals and/or microwaves to alter weather and/or reflect the sun. Chemicals such as aluminum, strontium, barium, etc are refined into nano form and sprayed as aerosols in the atmosphere by airplanes. The government has been experimenting with geoengineering since the 1940’s and its use has increased ever since. In recent years, geoengineering is claimed to reduce the effects of climate change. The theory is to disperse massive amounts of heaving molecules in the atmosphere to reflect the sun which is thought to cool the earth. However, nanoparticles have no barrier inside the body, meaning they can go anywhere. There are no natural defenses to materials of this size in the body, so unlike viruses or bacteria which the body can eventually clear, nanoparticles tend to bioaccumulate and cause ongoing damage by ROS. Aluminum in particular is the main cause of the explosion of Alzheimer's disease we see around the world Geoengineeringwatch.org: (https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/lab-tests-2/). Our government is working in concert with other governments around the world to increase the use of geoengineering. Where are the tests on humans or other life support systems to determine if exposure to heavy metals and dimming the sun are harming life? How do we know the spraying of heavy metals in the atmosphere over the last 60-70 years isn’t the cause of climate change?
One way to identify geoengineering is by the long narrow clouds that crisscross often forming grid patterns across the sky. You will see planes that look like passenger jets with long lines of chemicals being sprayed into the sky. Many people refer to these as chemtrails. However, officials will typically tell you they are contrails or condensation trails. These officials are either very naive or are willing participants in propagating a lie to the public as they poison our world.
Sources from GeoengineeringWatch.org and Others
See this link for multiple videos showing airplanes spraying chemicals: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-jets/
Here are patents on geoengineering: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/
Results from testing for heavy metals: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/lab-tests-2/
Where do the nano particles come from? There’s a company called American Elements. Here is a link from the Internet: https://www.americanelements.com/aluminum-doped-zinc-oxide-nanoparticle-dispersion-37275-76-6. I requested the material information sheet, but got no response.
Aluminum is allow being used in vaccines as adjuvants which causes the body to reach to the a dead virus when injected. (https://web.archive.org/web/20091001164729/http://www.generationrescue.org/binstock/090928-aluminum-als-alzheimer-autism.htm)
RHS Consulting, LTD; their mission statement says: “Our goal is to develop cloud seeding programs that provide additional, responsible water sources for the environment, our families and future generations.”
Tracking the Climate Changers - Climate Viewer News - See what Act was created in 1976: National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976
Printable Flyers on Geoengineering
These printable flyers is one way to educate people about geoengineering.