Medical Freedom
Medical Freedom Websites
How to Save Your Life When Hospitalized
The Caregivers & Consent document is a contract with the hospital doctors… Unlike any other document before, this can protect the patient against receiving lethal drugs and poisons like unwanted vaccines, Remdesivir, Vaxxed blood, Fentanyl, Covid protocol, and more.
This document explicitly states that informed consent be given by the patients before administering any treatments or drugs…
The Caregivers & Consent document includes verbiage about deeply held spiritual and religious beliefs…
This document also lists the consequences to the attending physician if he/she refuses to respect the written, legal wishes of the patient.
This document also has a specific strategy and steps of delivery to ensure that the document gets placed in the electronic medical records…
Employee Medical Exemptions
see website links below:
Being Threatened of losing employment due to Covid-19 restrictions? See Employee Vaccine Freedom Information
For more information on Religious Exemptions, see Religious Freedom page or check link: TheHealthyAmerican.org
Medical Freedom from Masks
- See Below -
7 Reasons to End Mask Mandates Forever
Though mandates have been lifted in most places around the world, many hospitals have recently reinstated mask policies in response to new 'variants' on the rise.
⬇️Additional Mask Resource links ⬇️
Are Masks Effective? Here's What the Science Says…
Face Mask Risks… The Risks vs Benefits for Children
Everything you need to know on masks/COVID… 50yrs of evidence
Japanese Study -Masking Breeds Bacteria & Fungi… Dangers of Masking
Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers: Study…The Epoch Times
The Harm Caused by Masks - A new study (2023) suggests that the excess carbon dioxide breathed in by mask-wearers can have major health consequences.
August 21, 2023
Secret Letter to CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data to Support Mask Narrative (theepochtimes.com)
Why is Medical Freedom needed today?
- See Below -
What did ‘The Science’ say about Social Distancing?
Dr. Paul Alexander: “I asked (CDC Director) Dr. Redfield about the Science the CDC used to make Six Feet Social Distancing Rules etc... ”He said there is no Science, We Made it Up”
People lost their businesses, and some their lives, when they gave up because of listening to “The Science”.
Quote Source
CDC’s Social Distancing Rule was Arbitrary (Sept. 2021, Forbes)
New Medical Tracking Codes
Just what does ICD code Z28.310: Unvaccinated for COVID-19 mean?
There are new medical diagnostic codes that will tract the vaccinated and unvaccinated. ⬅️Click link to read Dr. Robert Malone explain how the national project impedes on our private information and freedoms. Then contact your Representative.
How much is your Doctor getting paid to push pharma on you?
Learn about the financial relationships that doctors and other healthcare providers have with drug and medical device companies. Check out your Doctor!
Open Payments is a federally mandated program that collects and publishes information about payments reporting entities make to covered recipients. The Open Payments database is publicly accessible.
Gardasil (HPV) “vaccine”
all-too-common reaction
One of the dirty little secrets of the deceptively-named "HPV vaccine" by pharmaceutical giant Merck is fainting and seizures often occur when a girl or boy is injected. This video is of Joseph Struska having a Tonic-Clonic (Grand Mal) seizure, which can result from brain or heart problems, or infections or poisonings. The seizure in this video is not from a Gardasil injection, yet Gardasil injections have caused Tonic-Clonic (Grand Mal) seizures to the extent Merck admits it in their FDA-approved Gardasil Package Insert. Click here for info to Oppose AB 659
Watch this short video to motivate you to fight for the children!
Click here for 20 years of Resources for All Vaccines
Vaccination Proved Useless & Dangerous (1889 2nd Edition 53pgs)