Water & Drought Deceit
Documentary: The Great Culling 'Our Water'
The history of water fluoridation in detail. it’s health effects, and more.
WHAT are the real threats to your life, your offspring and your genetic integrity? HOW can you protect yourself from those threats? WHY is a global depopulation agenda being pursued? The more you understand these answers, the greater your odds of surviving ‘The Great Culling’.
SEE VIDEO (1:34:14)
“Droughts are naturally occurring while water shortages are man made.”
Water and Drought Deceit: More Dubious Policies California Lawmakers Continue to Perpetrate
More than 50% or the water is allowed to flow out into the the San Francisco Bay and into the ocean. By Katy Grimes, April 27, 2021 7:47 am
When the State takes more freedoms, they’ll typically find an emergency that needs to be addressed such as a drought or crisis. The committee members will discuss the crises through a hearings and invite experts to support their position. It’s not unusual to show how some people are being greedy and why it’s important that the State take ‘reasonable’ measures to protect the public and or some resource that is short in supply.
WATER, PARKS, AND WILDLIFE Assembly Committee Hearing
Agenda for Feb 28, 2023 Water, Parks and Wildlife Assembly Committee
On Feb 28, 2023, the WATER, PARKS, AND WILDLIFE Assembly Committee met to discuss why the California Water Board needs more enforcement power, including temporary restraining order, higher fines and penalties, metering and court injunctions. Why would the Water Board need more powers when the drought is clearly over? Below are the State Water Board’s recommendations.
See committee website: Water, Parks, and Wildlife. One of the participants, Michael Begley, shared this from the meeting: “For about three hours we heard about climate change and how farmers with riparian water rights (long-term water rights) were hoarding the water and ignoring The Water Resource Board’s demands to stop using water from the Shasta river. After hearing testimony from various exports, it was asserted that the Water Board needs more power to fine farmers who use too much water. Each person who testified affirmed that we’re in a state of Climate Change as if they were told to say that.
I found the meeting and testimony very one-sided. There were no farmers testifying nor was there anyone from the opposing view. However, Arron Troy Hockaday, from the Kauruk Tribe fought back tears as he described how farmers were killing fish as they took water to fill ponds.”
Below is one of the PowerPoint slides that showed why the nimble ability to enforce and curtail water rights were needed.
Resourceful links - research, helps
The Primary Water Institute
Find solutions for drilling a primary water well. Click here: FAQ on water information.
“It's hard to get the point across to many people in the U.S. that the Earth makes water. We can access it and solve our problems. We don't need massive storage facilities or aqueducts. Clean, virtually infinite sources of water are right under our feet." --- Pal Pauer
EWG's Tap Water Database
This site allows anyone in the USA to check out your water contaminants: It will show all the toxins and how to filter the toxins.
How do you make CDS or CD?
Chlorine dioxide has been used for over 80 years to disinfect drinking water and has not caused any problems for all these years. It is one of the most well-known disinfectants known to man because it is able to eliminate bacteria, fungi, viruses, and small-sized parasites across a wide pH range.
What About Distilled Water? Good for you or bad?
Does it leach minerals from our bodies or the opposite? Distilled water cleanses out the gut lining and improves the energetic flow of the body. Read more here.
The Miraculous Nature of Water
For over 20 years, Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, studied the groundbreaking science of how the molecular structure in water transforms when exposed to human words, thoughts, and sounds. Watch Here (5:31)