Register to Vote Now
You can register to vote with the button below / QR code here (Faith & Freedom website), or you can register to vote with Vote.gov that also gives a CA gov. link to confirm registration; polling place; info on elections (local, state); political party checked; status of ballot received: Register Online
Also, check out Stop Bogus Ballots (referred on Live on Lou radio) that is exposing the unfettered mail-in ballots to anomalous addresses – enabling organizational, disciplined election interference - Let’s wake up America to our almost destroyed election system!
Are America’s elections rigged?
Prior to the year 2000, paper ballots were used and processes were in place to limit voter fraud. After 2000, computers were used to count ballots which allowed for the manipulations of elections. We need to get rid of computer election equipment and return to paper ballots to bring integrity back to our elections.
Is it an Election or Selection?
“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its last principals: every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” Thomas Jefferson
[S]ELECTION CODE is a political thriller uncovering a secret so critical to the survival of America it transcends political parties. It is not about correcting the past. It’s about correcting the future. (1:01:35) See Tina Peters trailer 2:15
Also Watch HERE from prior candidate for US CA Senate Sharleta Bassett, Tina Peters, Kelly John Walker, Atty Tomas A. Renz, Donne Clement Petruska (3:09:11)
“2000 Mules,” a documentary film created by Dinesh D’Souza
“They thought we'd never find out. They were wrong.”
This movie exposes widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. Drawing on research provided by the election integrity group True the Vote, “2000 Mules” offers two types of evidence: geotracking and video. The geotracking evidence, based on a database of 10 trillion cell phone pings, exposes an elaborate network of paid professional operatives called mules delivering fraudulent and illegal votes to mail-in dropboxes in the five key states where the election was decided. Video evidence, obtained from official surveillance cameras installed by the states themselves, confirms the geotracking evidence. The movie concludes by exploring numerous ways to prevent the fraud from happening again. — Click Image or Here to watch 1:28:41 / Watch Short clip on # of Mules per State / Purchase DVD here for $9.99+shipping from Dinesh Souza's site
Get Connected
Check these Organizations listed here with drop-down info & link to find connection with others across the county in the fight for Election Integrity.
Also,, check out these Social Media sites below for upcoming events, tools, news articles and videos to keep you updated and to connect nationwide, statewide and local.
The role of Cause of America is to enable, facilitate and support citizen grassroots action to restore trust in local elections. It's about building a network of individuals, organizations, and partners who can learn from each other and work together to solve the most pressing issue facing our nation "free and fair elections."
Citizens Defending Freedom is a Christian-based non-profit organization. We believe that the biblical principles which are the basis of, and woven throughout the foundational documents of our great nation are paramount in the success of the United State of America.
The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association brings together We The People of the United States with peace officers and sheriffs, educating all in an effort to restore America peacefully for our posterity.
Election Integrity Project®California (EIPCa), Inc. (EIPCa) is a California non-profit public benefit corporation committed to defending, through education, research, and advocacy the civil rights of U.S. citizens to fully participate in the election process under Federal and state law.
We believe that the greatness of America lies not in the federal government but in the character of our people — the simple virtues of faith, hard work, marriage, family, personal responsibility, and helping the least among us. If we lose sight of these values, America will cease to be great.
Frank a home for major influencers, to micro influencers, to average Americans wanting to share in the constitutional right of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. We hope you will join our community and let freedom ring.
LindellTV.com https://frankspeech.com/
The mission of G3 is to provide education and information resources that in turn empower dutiful citizens to diligently become involved in proactive agendas, objectives and movements with which they identify.
Where is all their money coming from? Who's giving it? Who's getting it?
Candidates and Office Holders, Elections and Fundraising, Industries and Interest Groups, and Lobbying. Curious? Follow the Money in Politics!
Nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, OpenSecrets is the nation's premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy.
Our mission is to track the flow of money in American politics and provide the data and analysis to strengthen democracy.
We seek to empower citizens so that they can be more involved in their government. We seek to hold politicians accountable for their actions and make their records public.
We educate citizens by equipping them with the knowledge they need to take action and properly hold our elected officials accountable.
*PATRIOT FORCE Canvassing Materials: 1) Calling All Patriots 2) Canvas California Training 3) NCOA Canvas Instructions 4) Volunteer Agreement 5) NCOA Declaration Statement
each conservative American’s top priority should be active engagement as a precinct committeeman in the political Party our Founders and Framers would be members of if they were alive now - The Republican Party.
News Articles
Together, we offer our listeners valuable insight into how they can take their power back from a backward culture of thinking. No longer will our voices be bullied or silenced. Our weekly radio show will provide knowledge, training, and encouragement in taking their power back.
True the Vote has been a leader in the effort to ensure free and fair elections in America. Our work focuses on empowering citizens to safeguard the electoral process and to protect their vote from fraud so their voice is not diminished as we determine the direction of our government and hold our politicians accountable.
HJTF is the research, education and legal arm of the Jarvis organization.
HJTF advances the interests of taxpayers in the courtroom. Given the high cost of litigation, an ordinary taxpayer is rarely in a position to challenge the validity of an illegal tax levy. In appropriate cases, HJTF provides legal representation without cost to other taxpayer advocacy organizations, homeowners and individual taxpayers where the precedence established confers a broad public benefit to other citizens.
How You Can Help:
To enact this law we must collect over 1 million signatures to place the CA Election Integrity with Voter ID Initiative on the ballot. We need as many individuals to sign this petition ASAP so we can demonstrate we have the required public support of registered voters to qualify this measure for a vote in 2024!
Petition: Help Pass the California Voter ID Law
A record number of Californians have lost faith and confidence in how our state conducts its elections. That’s because California’s fraud-prone election practices include outdated voter rolls, ballot harvesting schemes, refusal to verify citizenship status, non-existent signature reviews, and absolutely no verification of voters when they show up to ask for ballots at the polls.
What the Initiative Does:
The initiative amends the California state constitution to restore election integrity by requiring 1) verification of voter ID for all future elections, 2) proper review of citizenship and eligibility when individuals initially register to vote for the first time, and 3) accurate maintenance of voter rolls going forward to remove people who die and who move out of the state. Pretty simple reforms – but California politicians refuse to enact them so we have to impose them at the ballot box by passing this initiative.
If you are a registered voter in California, help us pass the California Voter ID Law by signing this petition!
Freedom Coalition Presents: Follow the Data, by Dr. Douglas G. Frank, Sunday @5pm, August 6, 2023
Click Buttons to see the recorded Video and the Graphs and Data Slides presented of the three Counties of the California Elections-Yuba, Sutter, & Nevada Counties.
Seven Steps: Taking Back Our Elections
Dr Frank describes seven steps to build local movements capable of taking back our elections. (No audio version 5:07min)
1. Get Connected… 2. Get Organized… 3. Implement the Plan…
4. Do the Work… 5. Build the Movement… 6. Review Progress…
7. Local Empowerment… Read Full 7 Steps Here plus recorded video Sept. 23, 2023 Dr. Frank on Seven Steps Video (1:17:22)
Scroll Down Page for more connections with Election Integrity websites, & social media connections.
More reading and action steps on voter integrity
Jay Valentine | The Man That Actually Built Ebay’s Fraud Protection Engine Exposes Voter Fraud
Election Integrity Project ***** CA nonpartisan non-profit public benefit corp. committed to defending the civil rights of U.S. citizens to fully participate in the election process including legal action when necessary.
Video Interview of what people can do to fight for election integrity
https://mountaintopmedia.com/specialreports.html Shasta County, CA Election integrity
https://millionvoices.org/ Mission: Empower people to use their voice to influence policy; Distribute millions of shareable voter guides; Mobilize congregations of churches to vote.
A Primer on Switching to Paper Ballots ***** This primer will guide you through the steps needed to convince your county board of supervisors to make the switch.
Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? Soros Funded ERIC Is Now Used In 31 States Informational news article by Gateway Pundit (Jan 2022)
ERIC Sharing Data with Zuckerburg-Funded NGO FOIAs reveal that ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) is sharing EBU (Eligible-But-Unregistered) records with Zuckerberg-funded CEIR (Center for Election Integrity and Research) which received over $69.5 million in “Zuckerbucks” for the 2020 election
Democratic Operatives Control Voter Rolls In 31 States, Report Shows Prominent voter-roll management system used by 31 states and the District of Columbia has politically compromised ties.
7 million voters in their database, but only 3.68 million were eligible to vote. The Gateway Pundit (3/2023) reported that Sarah Whitt of the Statewide Voter Registration System uncovering Wisconsin voter roles.
Video archive
Shasta County BOS
First in CA to Terminate Dominion Voting Machines - video (46:39)
BREAKING! MI AG Dana Nessel CONFIRMS 8,000 to 10,000 Suspected Fraudulent Registrations Delivered to Muskegon Clerk October 2020, as Noted in MI State Police Report She Buried from Public
Read Gateway Pundit Article By Jim Hoft Aug. 11, 2023
Computer Programmer Becomes Whistleblower of Rigging Florida’s Elections in 2000
Clint Curtis, a veteran computer programmer, testifies at a U.S. Congressional Hearing about being contacted by a Florida Congress person to rig Florida's elections. (3:03min)
Michigan township Green Charter votes out its entire local government over China-linked EV battery maker Gotion's plan to build a factory there
Green Charter Township's five board members were removed in recall election
They were ousted for backing Gotion's new $2.3 billion EV battery plant
Gotion's parent company is 30% owned by Volkswagen, but is based in China
—Read Article Here —Watch News Story Here (4:39) & YouTube: New Government in Town: “We The People” (7:16)
One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings, out of 300 million, who are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country. — The Reese Report