Protecting our rights and exposing corruption
Freedom Coalition Mission Statement
● Educate and empower people to be Free and to be Freedom Advocates
● Support representatives that respect Constitutional Rights and Individual Liberties
● Seek moral and ethical officials for leadership
Millions have fought, been wounded and died to defend our God-given rights. They are under assault. There is nowhere to turn should America fall. May we not be a disgrace and shame to those that have gone before us. There is no negotiation with those that seek to undermine or eliminate our rights.
Our communities reflect the quality of leadership and citizens engaged in political advocacy. Without honorable patriots determined to reduce the size of government, egregious taxes and regulations we are doomed. Our mission is to engage every cultural and political arena to defend the Constitution and the values of the Founding Fathers.
Work with like-minded groups and organizations
Promote and protect our Constitutional rights in government
Hold elected and appointed officials accountable for their oath of office to defend the Constitution
Local government meetings – open to the public in the evenings, after working hours
Transparency in government – prompt responses to requests for information
Stop government promoting the deadly Covid – 19 shots
No government intimidation, harassment, extortion, unconstitutional mandates
Audit and critique the role of the county health department
No mandatory vaccines for anyone – adults or children
Use voter identification, hand-counted ballots, in-person voting and limited absentee voting
No teaching about sexuality, genders, sexual deviance, or Critical Race Theory in government K-12 schools – All curricula and books open to parental review
No medical treatments for gender change or pregnancy termination in government schools
End local governments’ use of CALPERS (California Public Employment Retirement System)
Promote school vouchers, food sovereignty, wellness, medical freedom, and expose 5G and drought lies
Provide uncensored news
The Freedom Coalition Network has chapters in 7 California counties.
Chapters work together and with other state and national organizations to preserve our liberty and freedom.
Our objective is to throw-off the government shackles that return us to bondage.
The Yuba-Sutter Freedom Coalition was launched during the 2020 California Covid lockdowns. After a Free and Brave Conference at Church of Glad Tidings in Sutter County, attendees wanted to stay connected and form a network during the government-contrived crisis.
People sought the truth behind the Covid mandates and how to resist government tyranny.
Yuba-Sutter residents developed a website (Freedomco.net) to post information and events. Courtney Allen (now Ortega) was hired to lead the Coalition and to create tech tools to serve whatever needs arose. Other counties started chapters to address local oppression by government officials.
Each county chapter faced both similar and unique challenges to regaining freedoms lost by the government violating citizens’ rights. Chapters have been able to learn from each other’s efforts.
Conferences were conducted to inform people of their rights. Other gatherings focused on new ways to get medical, educational, and food needs met. Government Council and Board members were pressured to reopen for public attendance.
Today, Freedomco Chapters are preparing for the next assault whether it be a planned pandemic or another form of political attack. Council and Board agendas are monitored and citizens informed to resist the undermining of our God-given rights and freedoms.
See Beginnings of Freedom Coalition (Video Testimonies)

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
— Edmund Burke