Home School
Independent Home Schools
Not as hard as it sounds. Much easier than distance learning. You get to be in control of your Childs schooling, and can make it fit your specific needs and schedule. You can teach your child in the ways they learn best.
You CAN do this!
If you are currently public schooling, the first step you need to do is check out
This website has seminars and other information about how you can transition out of public school.
In addition, visit
Home School Legal Defense Association
Learn more about homeschooling, the steps it takes to register, and sign up for an affordable legal defense for your home school.
Rebecca Kochenderfer has put together a comprehensive yet practical book that addresses the challenges and concerns home educators face. This is the book that thousands of homeschoolers have used to get started homeschooling and LOVING IT! From the beginning of homeschool all the way to graduation, Homeschooling and Loving It! offers solutions for your homeschooling journey! YOU WILL LOVE THIS BOOK!
Tips when teaching your kids.
Fear Not, Focus, Stay Flexible
Create a schedule
Make time to have FUN with your children. Yes actually play!
Organize… the more you organize, the easier life is.
Pray as a family and learn about the Lord together
Communicate, forgive quick, and be patient (especially with yourself!)
You are not alone!! Make friends with other parents (especially parents of similarly aged children)… it will keep you sane!
Get our of the house: go on a walk, scavenger hunt, or to the lake.
Believe you can do this, that God is helping you, and that nothing is too big for you!
Curriculum we suggest:
Curriculum comes in many shapes and sizes and teaching styles. We suggest exploring the ones below, but if none of them feel like a good fit, there are lots more to choose from.
Saxon, Math-u-see, Horizon, Keys to Series
Free Educational Websites:
Elephant Learning Math Academy
Language Arts:
Barton’s (best for phonics/reading), Winston Grammar (“hands on” grammar), Explode the Code, Bob Books (beginner readers), Spell-u-see, BookShark, Also check out Readingeggs.com (for up to 4th grade reading, spelling and math). Also look at rainbow resource.com (for school book needs).
Social Studies:
Alpha and Omega, BookShark, Learn Our History
Free Educational Websites:
Alpha and Omega, Apologia, Magic School, BookShark
Also see: Stephanie Hathaway Individual Topic studies
All Inclusive:
Alpha and Omega: Life packs (top recommendation for ease, content, and price)