Our Fight for Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Religion
“Today we find ourselves facing many of the same challenges of our forefathers. We have been at war with those who wish to destroy our land and jeopardize our religious freedom for many years. We find ourselves at the crossroads of determining the direction of our country’s future and the role of Christianity in our nation” Except from The 1687 Foundation, ‘If My People’
First Amendment -
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Standing up for our Freedom of Religion
Because our unalienable rights come from God, the Founding Fathers believed that religious freedom was essential if men were to enjoy any other freedom. The freedoms of the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to pursue a course in life that will bring happiness. If these rights are violated the offender will come under the judgment of God.
Here’s How this Pastor Responded When the City Subpoenaed His Sermons, Houston pastor Hernan Castano. Alliance Defending Freedom
You Can’t Be Free Without This, PragerU
America’s Biggest Issues: Religious Freedom - What’s at stake if we lose it? The Heritage Foundation
Persecuted Church Advocate Gia Chacon warns U.S. 'Intimidation always comes before persecution', Freedom Center, Liberty Uni
Resources for Faith Freedom & Action
Church and State Podcast
Church & State is about getting people plugged into politics and back into pews. The U.S. Constitution and the Holy Bible are our pillars. Check out podcast with Pastor Dave Bryon, Church of Glad Tidings in Yuba City area.
A Million Women Praying for America
At Christ Community Church (CCC), we believe that the local Church is the hope of the world. Every generation plays an important role in building the Kingdom of God in this community. Recently we had A Million Women, Esthers, young and old with their husbands and children to gather to the Washington DC Mall October 12, the Day of Atonement, in a LAST STAND moment for America. Watch A Million Women Praying at the Capitol Oct. 12th, 2024.
Patriot Academy
Patriot Academy has a bold mission: to equip and educate a generation of citizen leaders to champion the cause of freedom and truth in every sector of society, as we help restore our Constitutional Republic and the Biblical principles that cause a Nation to thrive.