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The Real Anthony Fauci - The Movie Part 1 & 2

“The Real Anthony Fauci,” a full-length feature 2-part documentary based on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s runaway bestseller, will be available to watch free — for an additional 3 more days — through Tuesday, Nov. 1st Midnight Eastern time.

Watch the documentary.

The film, produced by Jeff Hays, exposes Fauci’s influence on government policy, the pharmaceutical industry and medical research.

It also examines the relationship between Big Pharma and the military, the outsized power of the news media and the concentration of technology companies.

A few highlights of many showing several key takeaways from the film:

  • Fauci’s criminal behavior stems back to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. In order to understand the strategies that were employed during the COVID epidemic, the answers can be found at the beginning of Anthony Fauci’s career, when he became director of the NIAID [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases] in the year 1984.

  • Once Fauci partnered with Bill Gates in 2000, profiteering, gain-of-function experimentation and the amplification of vaccination in Africa, India, America and beyond really accelerated dramatically. Starting in 2001, there was a new epidemic scare almost every other year — whether it was a bioterrorism threat or of zoonotic origin.

October 29

United We Ride Flag Drive - Rocklin

November 4

Freedom Coalition Meeting (all Counties)