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Propaganda Exposed 9-series online


UNMASKING THE TRUTH: Join “Propaganda Exposed! Nov 1st - 9th. The truth about Health, Freedom and Big Pharma. A 9-episode docu-series. In total, over 50 health and freedom experts will be highlighted in this “one of a kind” docu-series that will expose the propaganda, bust the myths, and reveal the truth about cancer, covid, vaccines, medical experimentation, and so much more! It is Free, and you will need to register to receive links for each day.

Episode 1 of this 9-episode docu-series premieres on November 1st @ 9pm ET, and a new episode will air each night thereafter for the following 8 days, with Episode 9 (the grand finale) airing on the 9th. See Trailer & Register Here

EPISODE 1 11/1 - QUESTION EVERYTHING! A Primer on Pervasive Propaganda From the Founding Fathers to Flexner to Fauci / EPISODE 2 11/2 - SOME WARS AREN’T MEANT TO BE WON - Cancer & Cannabis | Germ Hunters | Medical Experiments PCR * HIV * AIDS * AZT * CIA * HELA * SV40 * 9/11 / EPISODE 3 11/3 - WEAPONIZING FEAR & MANDATING COMPLIANCE - Vaccine Adverse Events & CDC Coverups Practitioner Persecution * Intellectual Idiocy * Political Poppycock / EPISODE 4 11/4 - EUGENICS & MEDICAL APARTHEID - Race-Specific “Top Secret” Vaccines Man-made Viruses & Putting Profits over People / EPISODE 5 11/5 - BIG “PHARMA-CIDE” - Government Coercion & CDC Fraud Pfizer Prevarications & Natural Immunity / EPISODE 6 11/6 - FORCED MEDICINE & THE BANKING CARTEL The Federal Reserve | Fluoride Facts | Scientific Fraud Collectivism * Covid Bigotry * Vaccine Prejudice / EPISODE 7 11/7 - MODERN DAY ROBBER BARONS - Cancer-Causing Vaccines & Depopulation - GMO * Genocide * Geoengineering / EPISODE 8 11/8 - DEFEATING DECEIT & TRIUMPHING OVER TYRANNY - The Great Reset * Global Surveillance * Track & Trace / EPISODE 9 11/9 - CRUSHING CENSORSHIP, COLLUSION & CONSPIRACY - WHO IS SHAKING THE JAR? PATRIOTS THIS IS OUR 1776! * SPOILER ALERT: WE WIN!

November 1

Yuba-Sutter Counties Freedom Coalition Meeting

November 2

Come and See 10-Part Video Series/Dinner - Chico