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Healthcare Workers For Freedom - National Shutdown-Roseville

  • Eureka Overpass (Near In-N-Out) Eureka Road Roseville, CA United States (map)

On November 3rd, we are shutting down our Nation and taking a stand to show what will happen to our economy with continued coercion and mandates. This is a local rally to show solidarity and taking a stand together to show numbers. Show them front and center just how many will no longer be there to care, protect, teach etc. We are all in this TOGETHER!

This is also next to In N Out so please show support to them while there!

Parking will be around the gas station, Brookfield and Sunsplash on N Sunrise and Eureka more than likely.

Stand by for more from us on action steps to take on how to continue in this fight for our freedom.

CHD has our rally and others around the Nation listed here —->

November 3


November 3

Worldwide Walkouts Kick-Off - Marin County