Please join us this Friday evening from 4:45 - 7pm, as we stand in front of the Sutter Theater on Plumas St., to protest the Yuba-Sutter Arts Council’s Policy on Mandatory Vax-Passport. This event is a free 2-hour open house where attendees will come in between 5pm and 7pm. Please come for the full two hours or a portion of it.
Attendees are asked to come early and are required to be “fully“ vaccinated with the Covid-19 shots and must show their Passport or proof of a negative PCR test. See Flyer here
Please contact BOS and City Council members for Yuba/Sutter & Marysville/Yuba City and demand they withdraw and/or withhold any funds, grants or monies to YS Arts until they rescind this unconstitutional, discriminatory policy!! They are the first entertainment industry in our area to create this tyrannical two-tier society.
Please bring signs, or use the ones we have and show your community, “We Will Not Comply!”