Butte County Freedom Coalition Monthly Potluck and Freedom Movie, Sunday, April 7th @ 1-4pm, 1294 N. Cedar St., Chico.
Join us the first Sunday of each month for another stimulating afternoon with like minded concerned citizens. Bring your friends and neighbors. We will watch the following documentary:
United States Invasion Route Exposed
OVERVIEW: Muckraker followed the entire mass migration route from Quito, Ecuador to the United States border. Our journey included: Crossing the Darién Gap. Discovering secret Chinese hotels. Getting smuggled into Mexico by the Sinaloa Cartel. Embedding with a massive caravan. Riding the Mexican Train of Death. And finally, getting kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel. In this documentary, you will learn how the United Nations is planning and executing an industrial scale weaponized migration program and you will see the entire route that millions of illegal aliens are taking to the United States every year!
SEE FLYER for more info.
Contact / RSVP Lori @ 903.343.3567