Hello Freedom Friends and Bee-huggers! Spring into Action with Bee Heroic with special guest Joey Gilbert (Attorney for AFLDS/NV Gov Candidate) and freedom leader for a night of great food, info, and fun.
Organic/grass fed food and libations. Organic s'mores avail outside after talks.
Fantastic, short presentations on healthy economies, environment, freedom, and proactive leadership!
Freedom-friendly businesses and sign-ups.
Freedom-friendly bee-huggin' attendees.
Ace High Smokehouse and Saloon in South Lake Tahoe will be open for this special event March 8, 2022 from 6-8:30 pm
Ace High Smokehouse and Saloon* / 4125 Lake Tahoe Blvd, Suite K, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
* Parking at Harveys (1 full block away so dress warmly), or at underground parking.
For more information contact: Bee Heroic: beeheroic@gmail.com / AFLDS Andrea: andrea@aflds.org