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40 Days for Life Campaign

  • Planned Parenthood / Abortion Clinic location near you (map)

Let us join together to stand for Freedom for the most vulnerable, voiceless, innocent, and most precious of human lives, to humbly pray & be that voice for their freedom to live! March 5th - April 13th. Watch from the 2025 Spring Campaign Video (4:30)

40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. See former abortion provider Anthony Levatino discusses the impact of your prayers. See also the science behind the Abortion Pill Reversal (1 min) (See entire video here 59:24)

Since the first coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign took place in 2007, we've reached over 1000 cities in 64 nations, 24,894 lives saved, 263 abortion workers quit, 155 abortion centers closed. We have completed 9,207 campaigns with 1,000,000 volunteers and 20,000 churches. Watch short clip of a local campaign in 2020 - Your presence can save a life!

Quick glimpse to a few areas in some of our Freedom Coalition Counties: Sutter-Yuba: 430 N Palora Ave Yuba City / Butte: 1469 Humboldt Rd Chico-SEE FLYER / Tehama-Shasta: 1901 Victor Ave Redding / Sacramento: 201 29th St Sacramento / San Luis Obispo: 743 Pismo St San Luis Obispo

For more info please visit / If you are in the Yuba/Sutter area and requesting more information, text JC @ 830.844.7379

Click here to find a 40 Days for Life Campaign location near you

March 2

Butte Co Freedom Coalition Potluck and Freedom Movie

March 5

Yuba-Sutter Counties Freedom Coalition Meeting